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Learn to think for yourself.
Study is a process of knowing how to read and understand data so that you can use it in your life.
Successful study leads to self-satisfaction and success. It is only unsuccessful when you hit the three barriers to study and don’t know what to do about them.
These barriers, enough to make a slow learner out of any student, are the only reasons one gets distracted or can’t concentrate. Study Skills for Life shows how to spot and handle them.
This book is a part of a series of educational text based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, renowned humanitarian, author and educator. His research led to many breakthroughs in the fields of literacy and education. His Study Technology is used by over millions of students and teachers in schools and groups throughout the world.
Break the barriers to learning using Study Skills for Life.
When a person can learn and think for himself/herself the world is an open book.